
About Dr. Kori

Dr. Giudici is a board certified physician in Oregon and Arizona, specializing in bringing whole health to the physical, mental and energetic/spiritual body. She studies and utilizes the techniques of Applied Kinesiology and Total Body Modification (TBM) to identify and treat imbalances in the structural, biochemical, mental, emotional and energetic (meridians and chakras) interconnections of the body. She is also an internationally acknowledged and certified Reiki Master and continues to enrich her intuitive practice. With her naturopathic medical license, Dr. Giudici uses multiple modalities to evaluate her patients including muscle testing, palpation, observation of body ergonomics, labs and listening both physically and energetically. She treats her patients with spinal and extremity joint manipulation, herbs and nutraceutical supplements, homeopathy, flower and gem essences, reiki, energetic clearing and pharmaceuticals. Through medical knowledge, muscle testing and intuition, she sifts through and treats the layers of dis-ease where she finds them, facilitating healing while empowering patients with a trust in themselves. She practices with her heart, and verifiess with her head. Her strongest message to her patients is they are more powerful than they believe and she will help them tap into their innate healing power. 


Dr. Giudici grew up in a beautiful mountain town in the state of New Jersey and appreciated the contrast of rural living with the cultural medley of New York City just 50 miles away. She attended The University of Connecticut and University of Montana, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, Cardiac Rehab and Exercise Science. She spent a stint in the Peace Corps in Morocco before getting her doctorate from the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR in 2006.


In addition to practicing medicine, Dr. Giudici is also the creative director of the eco fashion accessory company she founded while in medical school in 2002. It continues to grow and help influence the fashion market into making more eco-thoughtful decisions. By working with other mindful companies like REI and Natural Grocers, Flipside Hats and Hats for Healing help alleviate the waste burden on our planet.  She now resides in Tucson, Arizona, and sees patients virtually in Oregon and in person in Tucson.