

Naturopathic & Applied Kinesiology

The most important tenet of naturopathic medicine is identifying and treating the root cause of dis-ease. Using applied kinesiology and intuition, I interpret the body’s communication of where the imbalance exists, and how to best treat that dis-ease. In my experience, a person does not reach whole health without addressing the whole self, including its biochemistry, structure, emotions, thoughts, energy and spirit. This is what I do with medicines, energy and therapies. In person or distance visit initial $460, return $340.

Counseling and reframing therapy

30, 45 and 60 minute counseling sessions for fundamental discovery, growth and crisis support. During these sessions, I both listen and intuitively read the energy of the patient to help identify and release the pattern holding them in a place of dis-ease. Zoom and FaceTime. Superbill provided to patient for submission to insurance. $185, $270, $340

Energetic Healing, reiki master certified

Reiki is divine healing energy that flows through the trained practitioner to the patient. It is unconditional love and light that fills the spaces and cells of our body so we can more quickly heal. It is connection to you, creator and all the light that is. In person or distance. $340

Supplement TestinG

Without regular office visits, a supplement check is necessary at least every 2 months to make sure your body is supported biochemically. The nutritional needs of the body change with mental, emotional and physical stress. Maintaining the biochemical balance within the body sets health goals up for success. Superbill provided to patient for submission to insurance. $150

Energetic Clearing and support

Have you ever thought, “I just don’t feel like myself” or “I don’t know why I’m acting this way”? Sometimes it’s NOT actually you! We are affected by tangible objects AND intangible forces in the world. Some of these are easy to identify like chemicals, weather and gravity. They have been studied and accepted as truths. Others, though long seen and felt by sensitives, are only just gaining mainstream recognition as science studies the energy fields of the body. Understanding and dealing with energetic impingements empowers the self to grow and flow without unnecessary burdens. While I teach patients to clear themselves efficiently, sometimes we all need help with this through intense times. I offer clearings with insight into chakra and biochemical balancing of the body as one time treatments and as bundles for consistent clarity of the energetic body. One time $340, Weekly with email f/u for 1 month $900, Daily with weekly f/u for 1 month $1200.